Thursday, March 10, 2011

Knowing God's Will: Jesus' Concern

God wants us to know His will so that we might do His will and glorify Him. He is more interested in your holiness than your happiness. Check your moive for seeking your consecration to Him not your relevance in the world. His desire to reveal His will exceeds your desire to know it. He is not so much concerned with your performance, your bottom line, your grades, your accomplishments, your net worth, even your relationships with others. He wants you to glorify Him through it all, but many things wither and become rotten to the core. He is not so much wrapped up in you getting everything done and succeeding. His timetable is not the same as ours. He wants you to thrive and survive in life so that He gets maximum glory.

He is most concerned with your heart. He is most concerned with where you are at with your worship of Him. Jesus declared war on sin at the cross, and He doesn't want you to be a casualty of war. The victory is won. There is no need for us to cave in under the pressure of a godless society. Things are not getting better. They will proceed from bad to worse. Deceivers will even be decieved. So make sure your heart is right with Him.

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