Thursday, January 7, 2010

Truth Up For Grabs

Truth is up for grabs in our culture. In some quarters there is no room for truth; in others there is some room as long as it doesn't get its elbows on the table and take over too much space. If it is convenient it stays. In World magazine's year-in-review issue, the top three religion news items of 2009 were three formerly Biblically faithful mainline denominations that caved this year, going the way of other apostate groups who have given up on the fundamental beliefs of the faith in favor of the low road of moral compromise couched in intellectual jargon and pressured appeals to be "open-minded". Truth takes a back seat to arrogance.

They already caved on the authority of Scripture, so the most recent caving in on moral standards is not surprising; it was inevitable. In a culture where 'tolerance' is worshipped but Biblical truth is not tolerated, no wonder that so many professed believers now shun the age-old moorings for the wide gate of compromise. They who play fast and loose with the things Christians have died for for centuries have no respect for those who have gone before us or the One who knew us before the foundation fo the world.

Jesus had words for this. "Blind guides of the blind" comes to mind. Those who lead people down the road that leads to destruction are destructive. They bow to gods of their own design. They puff themselves up by the vain imaginings. There seems ot be no room for truth in such a truth-stifling atmosphere. But Jesus said, "Thy Word is truth" (John 17:17). God's objective standard of truth stands no matter what winds may blow and what man might say. "The grass withers and the flower falls, but the Word of our God stands forever" (Isaiah 40:8). Let God be found true and every man a liar. Truth stands but some cannot stand it.

That is why it is so refreshing to see people who genuinely are 'under' the Word of God. They do not tower over it, they bow before it and its Author. They are not swayed by public opinion. They stand on the firm foundation laid before the world was. They trust God's Word, they are not suspicious of it. In an atmosphere of mistrust they rise above it all and believe. They have received the gift of faith and they exercise it as God gives them strength. They grab hold of truth and won't let go, because the love that won't let them go is holding on to them with a fierce tenderness that nothing can or will prevail against.

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