Saturday, May 14, 2011

What God does when Christians gather around the Word of God

God does something amazing when Christians gather around His Word. We never really know when we gather where others have been, what they have done, what has been done to them, what they have seen, or heard or experienced. Some have been immersed in a culture that is hostile to God. Some immersed in the Word of God in the midst of an atmosphere hostile or indifferent to God. Some have not thought of Him at all. Others have been thinking and dwelling on God since the last time they gathered. Whatever your condition and level of investment in the cause of Christ, I do know that God has something to say to all of us through His Word And by His Spirit whenever we meet.

I am thankful because we all need to hear a word from God. We need to have our souls defrosted and sensitized once again to the things of God, with others who are sympathetic to the cause of Christ rather than opposed to it. I am amazed at what God does among believers when we gather to worship Him. When you put all our different backgrounds, personalities, preferences and challenges together in one place, the God who made the universe and everything in it including us, is pleased to speak to us. As a group, as members of households, as individuals who are personally accountable to Him.

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