Tuesday, January 24, 2012

"Morph" (a poem)

(based on Matt. 17:1-13)

Changed into something never seen with human eyes
Before our eyes changed, bright light
Blinding light, right, sight, amazingly brilliant

Undone, falling, facedown, face first, worth it
Adoring the revelation of the Revealer
Spoken word, listening for the word

It is good for us to be here, I know
I'll make a monument to protect us from the flash
It'll be my gift to us and You

Listen to Him, listen up, quit talking so you can hear
Let me finish, then say what you speechless 
Will be unable to speak...silence

Tell no one until the time is right???
That's right. But then, when you get the green light,
Go everywhere and tell everyone.

Praise God. Jesus is Lord. MWS. 1/24/12.

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