Thursday, June 30, 2011

Equipped and Fully Engaged

The gospel saves, equips and engages us in a universe-altering mission of mercy. The benefits of someone in a position of influence showing and telling God's truth in Christ are amazing and life-changing. God's Word applied by God's Spirit in and through the lives of God's people produces dramatic results. Who knows what may transpire today by God's sovereign grace and His children's cooperation?

God will use His chosen instruments for His glory. He will send them and situate them for maximm effectiveness. He will change and rearrange things as they unfold. He will be honored. He sends and His servants serve Him, a counter-culture for the common good. And they go to places like Bali, Stockholm, Vladimir, Mulia, Cudahy and Orange, in the name of the Lord Jesus. With the high praises of God in their mouths and a two-edged sword in their hands they go, singing and savoring the goodness of God above all rivals to His throne, the greatness of God above all earthly powers, and the preeminence of Christ above all lesser pursuits.

God uses the small and the great. He puts up kings and tears down thrones. God's hand of providence must be our guide and stay. The firm foundation of our inheritance. The bedrock of our supplication and interaction. "Sovereign Lord Jesus, my Savior, You alone are impeccable and immeasurable. May You be praised above all."

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