Thursday, February 3, 2011

Loving People Enough to be Suspicious

If a person has at one time professed faith in Christ and then turns away from Him, says they do not believe, that they do not want anything to do with Jesus, then he may not be a believer. Treat him as an unbeliever and call him to faith and repentance. If he claims to be a believer then call him to faith and obedience. If there is no fruit you have a duty to be suspicious of their profession of faith. If a person claims to be a plumber, you should expect to see a whole slew of people who have had work done by him. If he claims to be an orthodontist, there ahoild be people with braces he put on walking around. And if someone says they are a Christian, meaning they have been saved by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, as revealed in God's Word alone, for God's glory alone, then there should be evidence. The fruit of God's Spirit at work in their life will bring forth proof positive.
If not, be appropriately suspicious, and act accordingly.

Don't ignore the peril that your soul may be in.
Don't ignore the danger someone else's soul may be in.
Don't hold on to false or empty hope.
Dont pass up an opportunity God gives you to speak gospel truth into a person's life.

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