Friday, February 25, 2011

What Every Christian Needs

Understand what it means to be a Christian.
Anyone who is trusting Jesus Christ to save them apart from anything they can do on their own. Someone who is saved by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, as revealed in scripture alone, for God's glory alone. Someone who has Jesus.
Believe...totally trust. Trust completely.
Repent...turn from sin, to God.
Forgive...let it go forever.

Be a biblical thinker and believer.
Develop a biblical worldview...a view of the world inspired and informed by Gods word. The authority and sufficiency of scripture.

Clearly share the gospel.
Tell them there are two ways to live, for self or Jesus.
Call for a response.

Trust God's sovereignty.
Leave the results to God.
Know that true change only happens by Him.
Regeneration is a God-given blessing leading to faith and repentance and reformation. Our only hope is God.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Seeking a Sign from God

Signs help us know where to go and what to do. Stop, yield, left turn, right turn only, helpful things like that. Some signs warn us. Don't go there, danger, caution, wrong way. Sometimes they are ignored. People blow through stop signs or fail to yield or miss a turn. They put themselves and others in harm's way or in jeopardy of getting lost. Signs also identify and reveal. You are now here, you have reached your destination; or look! there is a restaurant or a gas station or a coffee shop. What a relief it is to see a familiar sign in an unfamiliar place. Then there are signs we seek where bigger things than a cup of coffee or a cheeseburger are at stake. Things that reveal or prove big truths from God so we would know and be assured of what He wants.

Matt. 12:38-42 gives us an example of evil-hearted people seeking signs from God for the wrong reasons. The context is the unforgivable sin of blasphemy against the Spirit; full and final rejection of Christ. Jesus spoke of how our words reveal things about us spiritually. He rebuked the Pharisees' blasphemous words. They come back with a zinger of their own. They ask Him for a sign. This time they call Him Teacher rather than Satan, but their words were sarcastic not sincere. They demanded an on-the-spot miraculous sign from Jesus to prove that He was truly the Messiah. They were saying they would not believe unless He did so. Weren't the signsword had already shown them enough? Healing a demon-possessed blind mute man? The man with a withered hand? The paralytic? The two-demon-possessed men? The leper? The many who were healed and freed from Satan's hold on them? It betrayed their desire to control God. They were looking for more ammo to say bad things about Him.

Jesus said in response "An evil and adulterous generation seeks for a sign." He refused to play their game. He will not work wonders on demand, especially not for unbelieving skeptics. Jesus said no sign would be given them but Jonah the prophet. Jonah being in the big fish for three days Jonah 2:1 parallels the period of Jesus’ death and resurrection. This is Jesus’ first clear prediction of his death in Matthew. Jonah was as good as dead and was made alive. Jesus would go to the cross, be killed, buried and rise again. Luke 16:31 makes it clear even the resurrection will not turn the hearts of some. So Jesus says the men of Nineveh would come forward as witnesses against them at the judgment. Jesus says the Queen of the South will too. She went to the nth degree to seek out wisdom. The Pharisees weren't willing to do anything but accuse and attack. She travelled far to hear Solomon’s wisdom, but the people of Jesus' time on earth had Jesus, David’s greater Son, with them preaching the gospel, but they showed little interest. Gentiles in Jonah’s and Solomon’s time believed after hearing God’s “lesser” spokesmen, while “this generation” refused to believe even after hearing “one greater”. The Greatest One of all was present with them and they would not believe. It's like Jesus is saying, You will continue to disbelieve in spite of all I can say or do, and ultimately you will put me to death. But I will rise again. "A sign", as F.F. Bruce put it, "for your confusion, if not for your conversion."

Jesus was dealing with worldviews in conflict on the outside, and a spiritual battle on the inside. Internal issues covered outwardly by words and deeds against Jesus, countered by the truth that Jesus is greater than all and God's Word alone is reason to believe. To counteract the self-focused subjectivity of the Phaisees and those like them, God gave them objective truth that was focused on Him, not them, that was absolutely trustworthy rather than deceptive. A stern warning to anyone who would dare do what they did. How about us? What does this have to say to those of us who are just trying to mind our own business, trying to live a quiet and humble life before God, wanting to please Him and make a difference in the world? We encounter internal and external obstacles as well, we deal with things that anger us, frustrating things that test our faith. We need discernment. People are either suspicious, gullible or discerning. The suspicious question everything and can be malicious; the gullible accept everything and are deceived; the discerning reject everything but the truth. You want to be discerning, which is harder than being suspicious or gullible. The gullible are easily deceived and believe lies. The suspicious tend to be blind to their own faults. Both tend to be superstitious and have to have everything confirmed by some sign. The discerning weigh things carefully by the Word of God. So...What should we do as we interact with people who maliciously look for reasons to reject God; or superstitiously seek signs; or are gullible and fall for anything because they stand for nothing? How do we deal with our tendencies to do the same? And how do we know God wants us to do something? What should we do?

1. Check your Motives. Why are you seeking some sort of sign? Why do you say "Lord, if you want me to do x, please let y happen so I'll know for sure"? Pray for God to reveal the hidden motives of those who are evil and want to deceive and pray for self-awareness when your motives are wrong. Are you trying to discern the will of God or discredit the cause of Christ? Are you waning what God wants or what you want?

2. Rely on God's Power. God's power for creating power, it is resurrection power...power that goes beyond the humanly imaginable. Jesus here highlights the fact that the Book of Jonah is not a legend or fable but historical fact; and it foretells his death on the cross. Evil and adulterous generations demand signs and they will get nothing but Christ and Him crucified. They can make no progress unless they stop stumbling over the rock of stumbling and stone of offense and believe the gospel which is the "power of God for salvation." Turn to Him and be saved.

3. Seek God's Wisdom. God's wisdom in Christ revealed in God's Word confounds those who think they are wise. Trust God's Word more than your feelings. Sometimes people are like Pharisees, they demand for God to show the proof that He exists and that He is really who He says He is. Often they are, or want to be seen as, angry at God and fighting to be disengaged. People make outlandish claims against God. They will take some with them to hell, but none that belong to Jesus, who are safe and secure in the strong loving hands of Jesus, who is all-powerful. If you are a Chrstoan your name was written in the Book of Life before the world began. It is good to seek God but not to seek to control Him. Simply take Him at His Word.

Bottom line, do you believe God's Word? The Pharisees didn't. God has already revealed His will to us through His Word, but sometimes we are ignorant of it, or we want our own will more. We are called to walk by faith not sight. Above all, God has given us the sign of the cross displaying the matchless wisdom and resurrection power of God. Jesus Christ is greater than all and God's Word alone is reason to believe.. Why is this so important? Because days are coming, and are now here, when Christians will need substance to withstand the onslaught of evil, when they will actively need to overcome evil with good. We must also deal with life with all its joys and pains, staying true to what we know is true. We must stand strong against the rising tide of subtle and outright opposition to God, His Word and His Spirit-in dwelt church. To do so we must have pure motives as we rely on God's power and seek His wisdom.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Should Christians Seek Signs from God?

Should Christians seek signs from God? Interesting question. I think Jesus' response to both the evil-hearted people who demanded for Him to do an on-the-spot miracle to prove His Messiahship as well as Thomas who said he would not believe unless he saw the post-resurrection Jesus in the flesh seem to point to a "no" answer. At least "not as a matter of practice" or "use sparingly if at all".

I think it comes down to motive. What is the reason you are seeking some sort of sign? Why do you say "Lord, if you want me to do x, please let y happen so I'll know for sure"? Is it because you want to discredit Jesus or do you really want what He wants? That's an easy one. But what if you sincerely want to know what God wants but you neglect the Word in the process of your seeking? You keep praying (which is a good thing), but ignore what He has said (which is a bad thing). It seems to me that both good things must happen. We must sincerely seek God in prayer coupled with a deep hunger for His Word that drives us to Scripture as the definitive answer.

That won't give you the answer as to who you should marry or what career to choose, but it will put you in the path of the answer because you will be relying on Jesus, the Wisdom and Power of God (1 Cor. 1:24), for the wisdom and power it takes to find out.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

God's Word Alone is Sufficient to Believe

Sometimes people are like Pharisees, they demand for God to show them proof that He exists and that He is really who He says He is. Sometimes well-meaning Christians get caught up in seeking signs from God so they will know what to do and where to go. It is good to seek God but not to seek to control Him. I would go as far as to say don't seek signs from God, simply take Him at His Word. God's Word alone is sufficient to believe.

When it comes to processing life you are either suspicious, gullible or discerning. If you are suspicious you will question everything; if gullible you will accept everything; if discerning you will reject everything but truth. There are other options. The deceived believe lies. The superstitious have to have everything confirmed by some sign. God has given all the signs/evidence/truth you need and they are found in His Word. Go there more often than anything, couple it with prayer, such as "open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your word." (Ps. 119:18) and you will see God do miraculous things. His plan will unfold right before your eyes and even before you ask. You won't feel the desire to ask God to do something so you know He's there. You will see, know, experience that Jesus is the power and wisdom of God and the Word of God is sufficient evidence to believe.

By the way, if you still feel like you need a sign, some attesting miracle beyond what you have already witnessed, in order to believe, see what Jesus said to the Pharisees in Matthew 10:38-42. He has given us the sign of the cross displaying the matchless wisdom and resurrection power of God. All is well and will be well because of Jesus.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Confront Carefully

Some people love to tell other people exactly where they think they are wrong. They claim they are being like Jesus. In Matthew 12 Jesus called the Pharisees a "brood of vipers". Strong, inflammatory, accurate words. But we need to exercise wisdom and discretion in imitating Christ's example here. Don't get me wrong, what Jesus did was good and right. It was perfect. The sinless Son of God always acted perfectly. It is precisely because He is God and we are not that we should be careful when calling a spade a spade. A biblical example is Acts 23:1-5 where Paul called the high priest a whitewashed wall. Chastised for it, he apologized, admitting he was wrong by quoting Ex. 22:28. You see, Jesus knew exactly what was in people's hearts. He knew their motives. Paul didn't, and either do we. It's 1 Samuel 16:7 for us once again, "man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart." That's why we must exercise extreme caution when confronting. Humble-bold, gospel-changed servant-leaders can seek to do nothing less than this as they seek to engage others with the gospel.

Monday, February 14, 2011

We Love Because...

1 John 4:19 says "We love because He first loved us." "He" is God and "we" is us. It was A.W. Tozer who spoke of God always being previous, that He, in His "prevenient grace" as it is called, moves us before we can ever make a move towards Him. Before we can think a right thought about Him He must do a secret, inner work in us to give us the desire to think that thought. While it boggles the mind, it also blesses the heart to know God is sovereign and we are not. He banishes all that is not love to a place where it cannot hinder the child of God and frees us to express ourselves to Him and others in ways that bless. Think about that the next time you are tempted to say or do something unloving or unkind. Jesus has first loved us, therefore those in Christ are enabled and empowered to love. Practice it. You'll love it and Him and us.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Standing Firmly on Christ

We who claim allegiance to Jesus must love Him supremely and treasure God's good Word, valuing it above our own. To pull that off in a god forsaking culture takes a strong committment to engaging the whole Bible, in context. Not just the parts you gravitate to. Not just your favorites. If you have trouble seeing yourself as you really are you need to read the tough stuff, not just the parts that make you feel good about yourself. If you are the type that is extra tough on yourself, you need to read more of the comforting stuff. Stand firmly on Christ the living Word as revealed in the written Word. And your words will reflect it.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

You Need Friends

You need friends. You need to make and keep good friends in Christ who will help you stay on track spiritually. Andree Seu wrote "Pray to have friends (at least one) who have more faith than you do. It is much easier to understand the Scriptures when you have a living, breathing, walking example beside you. Specify that it be a friend who knows how to do spiritual warfare, like how to employ the weaponry of truth and promises to argue himself from a spirit of heaviness to a place of joy (2 Cor. 10:4-5). He will have details and experiences, not vague generalities."

Friday, February 11, 2011


Last week a local man riding his bike lost control going down a mountain and went off the road, falling 300 feet, miraculously surviving but breaking many bones in the process. He has a lot of healing to do. Too bad there weren't guardrails to keep him from going over the edge. Godly friends are like guardrails. They keep you from going over a cliff spiritually. They keep you on the narrow road and challenge you to get rid of anything questionable in your life. Without that safety net many professing believers fall by the wayside, they go astray in their minds, neglecting to take every thought captive, and they suffer shipwreck in their faith, evidenced by the overflow of their hearts, evidenced by their words. You need friends who will point you to Jesus consistently without fail. You need trusted friends who will tell you the truth about your life.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Our Words Matter

What we believe and have to say about Jesus is significant, since it reveals our true condition, who we really are; our true convictions, what we really think; and our true commitment, who we really follow. Those destined for destruction will continue in further ungodliness. Their talk will spread like cancer. They will perish. Those who are truly born again will display a track record, by the grace and power of God, of a majority of good words. They may fall into patterns of speaking that are unhealthy and destructive at times, but if they are truly saved they will not be mastered by it. Our words about Jesus reveal our heart.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Our Words about Jesus Matter

Matthew 12:33-37 reveals that words are powerful and they reveal our true heart. Most importantly, what we say about Jesus, which reveals our true heart, is of utmost significance.

What does it take to be a good steward of the life God grants us and to use words that reveal a sensitive heart towards God? You need three hope-filled anchors, each with a corresponding action relating to our words.

1. A God-given faith in God's soveriegnty that lead you to trust God to bear in and through you the fruit of good works.

2. A realistic grasp of man's accountability that inspires you to train your tongue to bring forth good words that bless God and others.

3. A firm commitment to the complete Bible, taken in context, experienced in community, which impels you to treasure God's good word above your own.

These ought to provide ample incentive to speak what is good and right and true with regard to the identity, works and preeminence of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Overflowing and Unlimited

I grew up in a time when there were not unlimited beverages at restaurants. That's right. If you ordered a soda you got one glass, period. I know that sounds weird in a day of bottomless beverages and Big Gulps, but it is the plain truth. Spiritually, many of us also grew up in a legalistic atmosphere of limits and being good for God, minus the overflowing grace of Jesus. Today's limitless beverages are a pretty good illustration of God's grace towards His children. Instead of being miserly with His resources He showers blessings upon His people. In 1 Timothy 1:14 Paul says that "the grace of our Lord overflowed for me with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus." This circumvents the control-based constricting constraints of graceless Christianity that becomes a burdensome religion rather than a freeing relational process. Those who understand 1 Timothy 1:15, that "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost", are the proponents of and participants in Christ-enabled and Christ-centered overflowing and unlimited grace.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Praying for the Blinded

I was blind but now I see. I was spiritually blind and unable to see anything spiritually speaking. But God's irresistible grace broke through the hardness of my heart. Jesus drew my to Himself, giving me assurance of His love and grace. I found forgiveness in Christ due to His unmerited kindness to me based on nothing in me and everything on Him.

And so I pray for the wayward and lost who cannot see the light, as some prayed for ms in my dark night of wandering. Back then the truth sounded foolish, now it thrills my soul. Then I railed against the gospel and Jesus Christ, now I cling to it and Him. And I will forevermore, not due to my understanding or my faithfulness or my good behavior, but due to His matchless, marvelous, amazing grace.

Sunday, February 6, 2011


I had a friend who shared the following three letters with me once and I have never forgotten them. In fact, I remember it often and it is something I pray sometimes. What do these three letters stand for? Surrender, Trust and Rest.

Lord, I surrender to You. I trust in You. I rest in You.

This takes the desire and resolve to experience all three, and the acknowledgment that apart from Jesus we can do nothing.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Swerving into a Crisis of Faith

Some people walk in the way of truth and then swerve violently for no apparent reason. There is always more going on beneath the surface than any of us can see. I once had a friend who taught others God's word, then over a period of time had a crisis of faith where he basically said he did not believe anymore. What brought it on? Only God knows. I am thankful God is sovereign and has it all under control.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Do You Fear that You have Committed the Unpardonable Sin?

Tender hearts bleed easily. They are sensitive to the Spirit of God. Many tender souls fear that they have committed the unpardonable sin. maybe they have said a word against the Spirit of God and because of that they live terrified. I am here to tell you that the Bible is true and you can stake your life on it. Jesus said, John 6:37 'whoever comes to Me I will never cast out'. He said John 10:27-29. 1 Cor. 1:30 says the God is the source of your life in Christ.

What is in God's hand cannot be snatched away. Hebrews 12 tells us that God disciplines everyone who comes to Him, proving sonship. In the last analysis we are kept in Christ because of Him, we will persevere because He is faithful. Romans 3:21-24 gives assurance.

So, humble child of God, whom God has caused, 1 Peter 1:3, to be born-again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ, do not despair. Do what Od has called you to do, be obedient. Be encouraged. Do not fear. Reverence God, be in awe of His holiness. Be amazed in The presence of Jesus.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Loving People Enough to be Suspicious

If a person has at one time professed faith in Christ and then turns away from Him, says they do not believe, that they do not want anything to do with Jesus, then he may not be a believer. Treat him as an unbeliever and call him to faith and repentance. If he claims to be a believer then call him to faith and obedience. If there is no fruit you have a duty to be suspicious of their profession of faith. If a person claims to be a plumber, you should expect to see a whole slew of people who have had work done by him. If he claims to be an orthodontist, there ahoild be people with braces he put on walking around. And if someone says they are a Christian, meaning they have been saved by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, as revealed in God's Word alone, for God's glory alone, then there should be evidence. The fruit of God's Spirit at work in their life will bring forth proof positive.
If not, be appropriately suspicious, and act accordingly.

Don't ignore the peril that your soul may be in.
Don't ignore the danger someone else's soul may be in.
Don't hold on to false or empty hope.
Dont pass up an opportunity God gives you to speak gospel truth into a person's life.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A Keen Mind and a Tender Heart

Savannah turned 10 today. She is the fourth of five kids in our family. She has a keen mind. She is always thinking, always observing. Sharp as a tack. Insightful as all get out. Smart as a whip. You name the cliche about having a sharp mind and it describes Savannah.

She also has a tender heart. Always rooting for the underdog, the neglected, the one everyone thinks is a little off. She has compassion and a God-sized capacity to welcome them in, to seek their good, to be their friend.

She watches everything, taking mental notes. She is always a step ahead. She has a way with words. She knows how to combine words that make me laugh and wonder aloud "How did she think that up?"

She teaches me a lot about how God deals with us. She is forgiving, she is loving, she sees good in others, she cares.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Spirit gives Life

2 Cor. 3:5-6 says "Not the we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God, who made us competent to be ministers of a new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit. For the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life."

Paul is writing to the church, those who have been saved by grace through faith in Christ. He is telling them of the nature of his life and theirs. No one has any room to boast. Jesus is their Lord and Savior, their sustainer and provider. They are God's instruments of righteousness, to be used for His glory alone.

I see tie-ins here to Ezekiel chapter 47, verse 9, where speaking of God and His rule and works it is revealed that "everything will live where the river goes." The river flowed from the sanctuary, from the throne of God. In God's grand sovereign design, everyone would look to Him dependently. They would all receive from Him gratefully. They would return an offering to Him reverently, giving back in worship what He has given them. All would flourish due to Him, bearing fruit He produces. God is the Source and Sustainer of life.

So it is for all who are in Christ, settled, secure and serving out of the overflow of His life in them. The Spirit gives life, and sustains it, and renews it day by day. It is in that truth and strength that we live and serve each moment. It is the reality going on behind the scenes as we do what God has given us to do.

To God be the glory.