Tuesday, October 5, 2010

How to know God's Will

How do you know God is calling you or has called you to something? Ask yourself these 3 questions:

1. Is it biblical? If God has called you to be a Christian, spouse, sibling, child, employee...for all of these there is clear scriptural instruction. There is absolutely no confusion as to what God wants from you in these realms. It's in the Bible. A major teaching of the reformation was the idea of vocation, that God calls you to specific roles in the home, church and community. What God calls you to do He enables and equips you to do.

2. Is it prohibited by God? If so, God is not calling you to do that. If you are engaged in any activity that God forbids, stop it immediately if you want to please God and live according to His will. On the other hand if it is expected by God and prohibited by man you must obey God rather than men.

3. Do you desire it? Is it something you want to do? Maybe you have been worshipping and praising God and doing what Ps. 37:4 says "Delight yourself in the Lord, He will give you the desires of your heart."

If you sincerely desire God's will you will seek first His rulership in your life, you will seek to be to be aligned with His Word.

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