Sunday, October 31, 2010

Jesus is the Light of the World

"This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.  Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed.   But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God."  (John 3:19-21)
Jesus said: "'While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.'" (John 9:5)

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Two Ways to Live, Preach and Die

There really are only two ways to live: for self, or for Christ. We will either think it is all about us, all based on us, or we will believe that it is all about Jesus. We will live for our sake or Christ's. On a practical level, in daily living, there is a fine line between trust in self and trust in God, although the end result is poles apart. 2 Cor. 5:15 tells us Christ died so that those who live "might no longer live for themselves but for him who for their sake died and was raised."

There are really only two ways to preach: self-dependently, by coming to the Word with our thoughts and finding things in God's Word that supports what we already think, or God-dependently, trusting God to transform our thoughts and reveal His truth. We'll either read into it what we want, thereby twisting the message, or read out of it what God says, allowing Him to transform our souls. It is a delicate balance. We are called to rightly handle "the word of truth" (2 Tim. 2:15).

There are really only two ways to die: either high-handedly trusting in self-sufficiency or trusting completely in Christ's sufficiency. The first leads to death, the second to life. God is sovereign over all. He endures with patience "vessels of wrath prepared for destruction" so that He might show mercy to "vessels of mercy" which He has prepared for glory (Rom. 9:22-23).

Each of the self-oriented ways leads to failure. Each of the God-focused ways leads to victory. No matter what anyone does or says or thinks, God's truth stands and Christ reigns supreme.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Not Peace, a Sword

We all want peace, or so we say, sing and pray. Jesus gives us peace with God. Romans 5:1 tells us we have it through our Lord Jesus Christ, indicating that all those and only those who have been born again by the Spirit of God through faith in Jesus Christ have this peace with God.

So what about the sword? Christ's clarification comes to those who by nature of their relation to Him would experience His peace while at the same time experiencing alienation and hostility from those who are still at war with God. Our peace is with God, not those who are actively hostile to Him. We are to love them, treat them with kindness, and even live peacefully among them, while praying for their salvation. Jesus Christ is their only hope for peace.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

SENT: Courage

In Matt 10:24-33 Jesus gives a call to courage in light of the tendency His followers would have to fear. He says, no less than three times, do not fear. Fear is the Greek word Phobeo, where phobia comes from. It means to cause to run away, to terrify, to frighten. Jesus is saying, in light of anticipated, impending and actual hardship and persecution, do not be terrified, do not be frightened. There is ample reason to be courageous instead.

Jesus doesn't just tell His people not to fear, He gives the reasons and resources not to fear. Jesus gives His followers courage. We are about to see what Christs's people need courage to do and why.

We need Courage to...

1. Accept persecution because Jesus suffered for us. Verses 24-25 say disciple and slave will become like teacher and master. Jesus says if they have called the Head of the house Beelzebul they will do it to you as well. A vile insult that must have shocked the disciples. The real head of the house, Jesus, who heads the household of God, had been willfully called the head of the house of demons. V. 26 says So, have no fear of them. It seems only natural to fear those who will beat and kill you. But Jesus is preparing His followers for hard times by getting them to focus on the ultimate outcome. Stay focused on the what God will do and fear can be eliminated. Do not let the fact that'll you will be hated, rejected and treated violently lead you to fear. They would ultimately be victorious. They could not see it in the middle of the battle with evil, because the world's resistance to the gospel would cloud the truth that would someday be revealed. Their courage and faithfulness would be brought to light. Jesus wants to encourage His followers who would feel deserted and alone. All will be put right on the final day.

These verses ought to challenge us who claim to be serving Christ. What treatment do we expect? Do we hesitate to stand too firmly for Christ because we fear rejection, embarrassment or persecution? Do we compromise and seek alliances with the world to avoid being treated like Jesus was?

2. Preach Christ boldly, fearing God rather than man. Man can destroy bodies but God is the only one who can destroy souls in hell. V. 27 is an exhortation to fulfill their mission. Jesus will privately and personally teach His people. What I tell you...what you hear...say and proclaim on the housetops. Roofs in Palestine were flat, making them a great vantage point for getting news out. They were not to despise the day of small things and small beginnings...God's salvation program was continuing in that remote part of the world , without fanfare or apparent success, but with the presentation of the Messiah to Israel and their rejection of Him. They were to fully preach what Jesus gave them to preach, even though at this point stye did not fully understand the full implications of their message. In V. 28, Jesus gives more specifics on why they were not to fear. Do not fear those who kill the body, rather fear God. Fearing men is needless, fearing God ia necessary.

3. Trust God's providential care, not man's premature conclusions. Only God gives life and eternal life. God assigns true value. V. 29 Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Sparrows held little value in the marketplace, they were ignored by people, but God takes notice of them and knows when each one dies. He is concerned with and actively involved with every part of His creation. This is motivation to respect all life God has created. And if God cares for the smallest and seemingly most insignificant crwarures, how much more does He care for this created in His image, especially Those who belong to Him by grace through faith. V. 30 even the hairs on your head are numbered. V. 31 Says do not fear...You are of more value than many sparrows. Man says we are not as valuable as in point, how many people would fight to the death for an endangered species, even owned by someone, due to how valuable they consider them...and how many step aside and watch babies be killed, by those whose sovereignty over their lives they respect more than God's. God says we, human beings, are of far more value and significance than animals, because we are made in His image. God cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7. They might be tempted to think that God is not good, that He has forgotten about them, that He is not concerned for their welfare. Do not bank on man's valuation because only God gives life, He is the supreme valuer of life.

4. Faithfully acknowledge Christ because God is faithful. Vv. 32-33 So...therefore...everyone who acknowledges Me before men...I also will acknowledge before My Father in heaven. But whoever denies Me before men, I also will deny before My Father in heaven. Shall confess Aramaic idiom, figure of speech, meaning 'confess in Me', indicates a sense of unity with Christ and of Christ with the person who takes a courageous stand for Him. So, what if someone denies that they are a Christian? Will they be denied by Jesus? Not necessarily. Peter denied knowing Jesus and he wasn't rejected. He was reinstated after questioning and being reassured by Jesus. John 21. He was restored, and we see Him on the day of Pentecost preaching boldly, courageous trust in the face of opposition. Deny here is total rejection of Jesus, total refusal to believe an be saved. Continual denial of Christ as the pattern and the revealed position of a person's soul. Deny is saying no to Christ, a complete breach, complete rejection. Public and final. By His doing we are in Christ and it is by His doing we will remain in Christ. He will give us the desire and strength to endure.

Courage originates with God. We do not summon our own courage. It does not originate with us. Jesus commands courage. By that I mean He gives it, applies it, restores it. He supplies it. He strengthens us with it. He builds it into the fiber of our being. And how does He do this? Through the trials and pain of deliberate character building designed to make us more like the Crucified.

Students...Courage is sitting in class and doing your mandated 20 minutes of reading from your Bible app on your phone rather than your Facebook app and being unafraid to tell your friends when they ask. It is telling your classmates what you really believe when the topic of conversations falls on faith. It is being unafraid to respectfully engage your teachers if they clearly do not understand or acknowledge the authority of biblical truth.

Neighbors...Courage is telling your neighbor where you are going to church or Bible study when they ask where you are going. Courage is inviting them to go with you.

Men, and heads of households among us...Courage is opening your Bible and reading it with your family when you would usually and rather flip on the tv and veg out.

Courage is engaging in eternally significant things rather than things that entice us.

Courage is running with the good news of the gospel to those headed for hell and certain destruction in a Christless eternity unless they repent and believe.

Soli Deo Gloria

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Out of the Comfort Zone

Jesus' words to His twelve apostles in Matthew 10:24-25 seem to me to be a call to get out of our idealistic comfort zone and into the realistic danger zone of courageous witness for Christ. He had been telling them what to expect and now He says it in not so uncertain terms, "they are going to ream you, they are going to accuse you the the exact opposite of where you are really coming from. They did it to Me, don't expect any better treatment."

You could really call it a shove out of the nest. Jesus bursting their self-protective bubble. It would get messy before it got glorious. Glory would come one day, and love and peace and joy would accompany them in the pain that would be inflicted not hem. But it wasn't going to be a bed of roses.

Jesus goes on to say, no less than three times, do not fear. Truth will reign, God in His providence will supply, so be old and go for it for the gospel. Stand boldly and deliver the truth in hostile and friendly-looking settings, knowing that God is in control. Jesus will be magnified. One day in the not so distant future every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

SENT: Caution

The big news last week was the rescue of 33 Chilean miners trapped on 8/5/10, 2041 feet below the surface in the collapsed San Jose gold and copper mine for 69 days. The longest anyone has ever been trapped underground and survived. Great caution was exercised in their rescue. God wants us to exercise caution as we both live and give the gospel. He does not want us to be surprised or anxious but to patiently endure, knowing that in Christ our present needs will be supplied and our future is secure.

Matt. 10:5-15 dealt with the short-term mission to Israel, as Jesus gave travel instructions to His 12 apostles; verses 16-23 deal with longer-term issues – reaching past the crucifixion and resurrection into the 1st century church and beyond to us today, as Jesus gives trouble instructions to His sent ones. They were to exercise caution as various trials came upon them. Verse 16 is the glue tying what goes before it to what comes after. According to verse 16 the overall character of a Christ-centered followers in a hostile world is to be like sheep in the midst of wolves. Jesus calls the 12 to exhibit street smarts without sinful compromise. Jesus calls for discerning engagement. It starts with a mindset that is both wary and wise, cautiously compassionate, humble and bold.

Matthew 10:17-23 contains 3 assurances that illustrate what Jesus means.

1st assurance: Do not be surprised…Persecution will come. Verse 17 begins, "Beware of men", literally "hold your mind away from them", these wolves. They were to be wary of people and expect some kind of opposition to the Gospel. The worst rejection Jesus says would happen so far was lack of a proper welcome. Now He warns them of blatant hostility. Some would be arrested. "Hand over" means betrayed, same word as in Matt. 10:4. Some would be brought before Jewish courts – councils, sanhedrins. Some would be flogged in synagogues – Jewish places of worship. Run-ins with Jews was not all that would happen, they would also be brought before Gentile officials as well. Verse 18 says "You will be dragged before kings and governors on account of Me." It would happen due to their association with Jesus. As a "testimony" (the Greek word is marturion, martyr). The preacher bases what he says on firsthand knowledge and information that corresponds to reality, it is not made up, not false testimony. It is an accurate representation of what happened, a declaration. The gospel is preached as a narration of actual and practical truth. Here is what Christ did in history (the cross), here is what He did in my life (saving me) and here is what He is doing (in leading me, sanctifying me). Every believer has a story to tell.

2nd assurance: Do not be anxious…the Spirit will help. Verse 19 says "When they deliver you over". Notice it is "when" not "if". "Do not be anxious" (a prohibition, do not do it). To make a defense before pagan governors was a huge ordeal. When there is no time or freedom to prepare anything to say, what you are to say will be given to you in that hour. One of the fears in Chilean rescue effort was that as miners were being pulled out to safety they might have panic attacks. But they did not sedate them, they needed to be alert in case something went wrong. They had to trust. Se do we. Why? As verse 20 says "it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father (the Holy Spirit) speaking through you". They will receive special power for a special situation. At the moment of persecution, do not to worry, God will give you the words.

3rd assurance: Be assured as you patiently endure…Jesus will return. You can expect there to be hostility not only from civil and religious authorities but even from unsaved family members. Verse 21 says "Brother will deliver brother to death, and the father his child, and children will rise against parents and have them put to death." Deceived people do desperate things. And verse 22 says "You will be hated by all on account of My name’s sake." Not hated by all men without exception, but by all kinds of people without distinction. The widest range of people imaginable will oppose the gospel. Just as the gospel reaches into every culture, some people in every culture will reject the gospel. "Hated" is a periphrastic future passive, indicating it will go on through the ages. "The one who has endured to the end will be saved". Not enduring to earn, but enduring to show that you have saving faith. The perseverance of the saints. The Chilean miners had no ultimate assurance they would be saved...we do. Physical death cannot touch the child of God in an ultimate way. But Jesus wants us to be wise, not foolish. If we can get out of it, do so. As verse 23 says "When they persecute you in one town, flee to the next." The flip side of encouraging bold testimony under persecution when there is no alternative is the instruction to flee hostility whenever possible. Escape it when you can. A living witness can preach more than a dead one.

Then comes a difficult saying from Jesus that has puzzled many. "For truly I say to you, you will not finish going through all the towns of Israel before the Son of Man comes." Definitely a future event but how far into the future? There are no less than 7-8 views of what this means, ranging from Jesus catching up to them in Galilee right away, to the Transfiguration, to the coming of the Spirit at Pentecost, to the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem in A.D. 70, to the 2nd coming of Christ.It makes most sense with the context to say it is Jesus' 2nd coming and can be applied as His coming in judgment upon the unbelieving Jews. Basically, the mission to Israel will continue until Christ's return. "Truly" is the word amen. Jesus starts His sentence with amen, here is what will be. The assurance here is that Jesus will stay true to His word though all hell breaks loose.

Jesus is coming back. No one here knows the day or hour. It might be sooner than any of us think. Originally, the Chilean miners thought it wouldn't be until December that they might be rescued. It ended up being earlier than anticipated. I don't think any of them said "hey, can you come back later, I have some more things I want to do down here". They jumped at the chance to get in that tube that took them up. They knew the mine was not their true home. They had another dwelling. For us it is similar story but on a much bigger scale...we are dealing with eternal not temporal things. We are citizens of heaven loving for our eternal home.

I am not sure where you are today, what issues you are grappling with, what persecution you are enduring, what pain you are carrying...let me just say...Jesus will rescue you and make all things right. Therefore be humble and bold. Jesus puts a positive spin on negative things because He has good things in store for His people no matter what comes at them. He makes the wrath of man to praise Him. He works all things together for good to those who love Him and are called according to His purposes. God makes beauty out of ugly things. Notice the negative action words…Deliver, drag, flog, death, hated, persecuted. Notice the good He will bring about: For My sake, bear witness, endure, saved, Son of Man coming back. This is what a Christ-centered person in a hostile world can expect. The road trip is on. Victory is assured. Trouble will come. What will you do when it does? Panic or defend yourself? Or rely on the Spirit and patiently endure?

We go with the gospel, in obedience to Christ, with a message of God’s love to people of all sorts – some who will be violently opposed to the message (wolves). Some will respond favorably. Either way we must go. But not blindly. We go with a blend of grace (innocent as doves) and truth (shrewd as snakes). Truth must govern our perspectives on danger. Grace must under gird everything, as we trust in the finished work of Christ on the cross.

Soli Deo Gloria

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Commanding Courage

Courage is presently in short supply amongst many so-called Bible-believing, Jesus-loving, Gospel-centered Christians. I should know. I lack it often and am convicted of my transgressions.

Courage is being unafraid to speak the truth no matter the consequence.
Courage is being humbly bold in declaring our true intentions.
Courage is standing strong amidst the growing ranks of those who deny they know Jesus.
Courage is remaining steadfast amidst persecution that is simply inevitable.
Courage is saying no to pressure to conform to conviction-less expectations vs. those of the crucified, risen, and soon to return Savior.
Courage is trusting a blood-bought sacrifice for our sins rather than basking in self-glory and man-centered pursuits.
Courage is denying self and saying yes to Jesus and being unafraid to testify to it.
Courage is being unashamed to admit when we have sinned, throwing ourselves on God's mercy alone.

We do not summon our own courage. It does not originate with us. Jesus commands courage. By that I mean He gives it, applies it, restores it. He supplies it. He strengthens us with it. He builds it into the fiber of our being. And how does He do this? Through the trials and pain of deliberate character building designed to make us more like the Crucified. Jesus commands courage in those whose allegiance to Him is greater than any other. Courage is found where Christ reigns supreme.

Monday, October 18, 2010

How Christians Should Respond to Persecution

Every Christian needs to respond to persecution in ways that glorify, magnify, Jesus Name.

We need REALISTIC EXPECTATIONS…in light of the assurance that persecution will come. We should not lie our ourselves or others by telling them that life will be easy when you follow Jesus. Expect it, but don't instigate it. 2 Tim. 3:12 everyone who desires to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution...the church grows most amid persecution...the church in China grew exponentially after missionaries were kicked out.

We need UNSHAKEABLE FAITH. Faith is a gift from God. It comes from Him, and we are to grow in our faith. GCO mugs..."a place to grow in faith" as we hear the Word, pray, fellowship, share our lives with each other in the body, reach others with the gospel. So we have faith as a gift from God, it is a spiritual reality. And it needs to show in our lives. There are internal things going on beneath the surface that need to show outwardly, giving evidence of the inward reality. Internally…we need faith as a gift from God, we do not manufacture or fabricate it, it is a real thing given by God and seen, evidenced by action – externally, it shows through our actions. James 2:14-21. True belief, true belief in God works, because it depends on Him not us. Jude 1:3 contend for the faith. 1 Peter 5:9 resist the devil, firm in your faith. Eph. 6:16 take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish the flaming missiles of the evil one...soldiers in those days would literally soak their shields, made of leather, in water, so that when f,iery arrows were shot at them, the fire would be put out. Col. 2:6-7. We need faith that cannot be shaken.

We need CONFIDENT HOPE as well as PATIENT ENDURANCE. Sometimes our confidence gets shaken, through various struggles and defeats...our confidence is not to be in ourselves but the Lord Jesus Christ. Hidden – we carry on an ongoing conversation with ourselves...and sometimes that conversations takes an unbiblical turn...we accuse ourselves, we put ourselves down...that doesn't come from God...we are to build ourselves up in our most holy tell yourself the truth, from Scripture. You may be tempted to're no good, you'll never amount to anything, I can't deal with the problems and persecutions I face...It is no use, all is lost…no, we are more than conquerors through Christ who loves us. Everyone is against us…no, if God be for us, who is against us? They are as nothing in light of God. Rom. 8:38-39 nothing can separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Seen - in what you talk about, what you say and how you say it. We aren’t just holding out hope that we MIGHT be rescued as the miners did those first 17 days…hope is holding on to us. Heb. 6:18-20 we have this hope as an anchor for the soul, a hope both firm and steadfast, because of Jesus.

God is building a gospel-centered community of those He has chosen and called, that proclaims and displays the transforming power of the gospel of Jesus Christ for the glory of God, until Christ returns or we go to be with Him, whichever comes first.
Soli Deo Gloria

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

SENT: Character

Road trips are great character revealers and builders. They bring out the worst & best in us. With five kids and many road trips under my belt I have had ample opportunity to witness both. Matt. 10 is what Jesus said to His disciples before He sent them on a road trip. Christ commissions, trains, equips and sends out the twelve apostles. He gave them traveling instructions. It might look as if Jesus is simply giving orders – but there is a fundamental underlying assumption that is critical to our understanding of Christ’s commission to them and us. What He is telling them to do outwardly won’t fly unless there is an inward reality matching it. God wants to display His character through His chosen ones in order to make the gospel attractive to those who will believe.

Jesus gives the apostles an itinerary. They were to go where Jesus was sending them, to work among the lost sheep of the house of Israel. They were to do what Jesus had been doing: preach, heal, raise, cleanse, cast. They were to give freely, as they had received. Jesus taught them to trust God's provision through the generosity of those to whom they minister, and teaching those who receive the blessing of their ministry to support the servants. They were to appreciate hospitality when it was given. Those who accept the message, were receptive to the gospel, would receive God’s peace, shalom, the deep abiding sense of well-being and assurance because God is present and in control.

Their response to those who rejected the gospel was to be one of peace retrieving and dust shaking. Peace retrieving says since you don’t want to hear the Gospel, God’s peace will not be with you. This is done with genuine regret and sorrow, compassion, for the ones refusing because of what it means to live without the peace-giving Good News of Christ. When someone rejects the gospel they are not rejecting you but Jesus, and Jesus said this would happen. Dust shaking was a dramatic gesture of disfavour. The Jews hated even the smallest particles of Gentile dust, not because it carried disease, but because it was regarded as a symbol of death. The judgment on those who reject Jesus & God's word is worse than the judgment on pagan sins. The worst sin ever committed was murdering Jesus at the cross & rejecting Jesus is the worst sin a person can commit.

Jesus had told them He was sending them as sheep in a pack of wolves. They were to be wise as serpents and innocent as doves. This is the animal motto of serving Jesus. A sort of coat of arms for believers with 4 sections and 4 creatures. Sheep, not tigers or lions, or other fierce and brave animal, a sheep, dumb, liable to stray or be led astray. Wolves. The presence of wolves all around was a fact then and now. Some of the sheep would turn out to be wolves and call for Christ’s death. Snakes were a symbol of wisdom and mental sharpness. Doves were a symbol of purity and simplicity. Either without the other is bad (they could easily become deceivers or be easily deceived). A combination of wariness and innocence was necessary for the protection of the sheep and keeping wolves at bay. Jesus lays down 2 seemingly contradictory expectations to show a balance, a creative tension, needs to be acknowledged. Be wary, but not so much that you disengage from those you are called to reach. Don't take caution to the extreme of isolation. Be accepting, but not so much you are more influenced than influencing. Don't take kindness to the extreme of full immersion. Be wise, be wary, and be trusting. Be engaged but not led astray.

How can we be Christ-centered people in a hostile world? By doing what His apostles did and then trusting God to display His character in and through us. When your allegiance to Jesus is greater than all others, Jesus Christ displays His character through you, and you are able, as His apostles were, to…

1. Go where God sends you. God is a sending God. He sent forth His Son, to redeem us from the curse of the law Gal. 4:4. Respond, as the majority of the apostles did, in simple obedience. Go. Without running from Him or it. Follow His instructions, found in His Word. Simple obedience leads to abundant blessing.

2. Do what God calls you to do. Surrender your will, ambitions, hopes & plans to God. Only in Christ are you free. How often are we like Jonah or Moses, wanting to run from our calling? We long for another assignment when the one He wants us to focus on is right in front of us. Don't miss the amazing opportunities God has put right in front of you because you are daydreaming about what might be next. You are surrounded every day by people who do not know Him. The place He has you now is where you can make the biggest impact for the kingdom. Preach Christ there.

3. Trust God to provide what you need. No worries about funds or other needed supplies. God is sovereign, He gives what is good. Phil. 4:19 He will supply all your need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. God takes care of us. We don't get everything we want, we get everything we need. What you don't have you don't need right now. You have everything you need right now to do everything calls you to do right now.

4. Appreciate hospitality when you experience it. Integrity and thankfulness. God is kind. Any true kindness you experience is from Him. Anyone working in full time ministry must live with gratitude to God for the privilege of being freed up to serve and not squander that freedom in frivolous pursuits. Every pastor or missionary must say I am not a hireling, I am a servant of the living God, who has most graciously provided salvation for me & will provide all I need through the generosity of those I am privileged to serve. I will by God's grace serve well; I will not squander the opportunity nor dwell on money, so that I may glorify God with a clear conscience.

5. Live and speak the truth of the gospel. You can supernaturally respond appropriately when the message is rejected. God is a God of truth. All His ways are truth and justice. Jesus is the means by which God's glory is displayed. The cross is the main story line. Jesus is the righteous one who pays for sin and it far eclipses the wrath against that sin. Is. 53:5. John 12:20-23. The world needs to see Jesus. They need to see Him in us; displaying godly character, God's character, in the power of the Holy Spirit.

The gospel is attractive when the one who carries it actually lives it out. Compelling, winsome, attracting others to Jesus. That they would see and savor the Lord Jesus Christ. Anyone who believes in Jesus Christ is set free from the power, penalty and one day the presence of sin. The gospel is like a magnet when believers live it.

It’s time for a road trip. Character will be revealed. The question is...whose?

Soli Deo Gloria

Friday, October 8, 2010

Character Building

There is nothing like a road trip to reveal character issues and flaws. Reality TV has proven that once the initial front wears off, people are more than happy to be their true selves even in front of millions of viewers – they somehow forget that the world will be or is watching – and they let it all hang out. People can only fake it so long. You find that out within the first hour on a road trip.

It’s like when you meet someone and they are like your best friend, but them you say or do something that sets them off and the ninja suit comes out. With five kids, and in-laws that live in Tennessee and an annual road trip back there, I have had ample time to show my greatest character flaws and weaknesses while on the road. Road trips are great character revealers and they can also be great character builders. So can coaching youth sports. More than once I have told a losing team during a losing season that we are "building character".

I think it is significant that while road trips reveal the worst about us, they can also bring our the best. Check out what Jesus said to His disciples before He sent them on a pretty wild road Matthew 10:5-16. Tell me that wasn't going to be a proving ground of sorts, mixed in with a few surprises, and He would use it all for His glory and their good.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Doing What Really Matters

I love reading the Bible and praying with my family. It might seem like an insignificant activity to engage them in the things of God on a daily basis. It is a congregation of 7 (6 now on a daily basis since our eldest is off at college). What great things would God do through such a small group? All I know is this, that next to my relationship with Jesus, and my wife Angela, shepherding my family spiritually is my next highest calling. Preaching the gospel to them daily is one of my highest callings. Ephesians 6:4 says that I am not to exasperate my children but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. Delegating that delightful duty does not count. You cannot do it in abstentia. You need to be present. So I am very thankful for the opportunity to lead them on purpose, to the glory of God and for their eternal good. I say "thank You Jesus" for the privilege to be used to impact the Sciarra family and direct their gaze to the Lord Jesus Christ and Him crucified, that we all might make our boast in the goodness and greatness of the Lord God Almighty.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

SENT: Calling

Matthew chapter 10 is a Sermon on Mission, showing us what it means to be Christ-centered people in a hostile world; what it means to be sent by God with the gospel to a spiritually needy world motivated by compassion, sure of our calling, displaying godly character, exercising caution, commanding courage, embracing crucifixion and receiving God's righteous rewards. We saw in Matt. 9:35-38 that Compassion motivates mission. It highlighted the fact that we need the Lord Jesus Christ, we need Christ’s compassion, and we need to be praying. Jesus was going about all the cities and villages teaching, preaching and healing. As He did He saw the people’s spiritual condition and felt compassion for them. And Jesus told His disciples to pray for God to act on the people’s behalf by sending workers into His harvest of souls that He would save.

While Compassion inspires mission, we see in Matthew 10:1-4 that Calling confirms it. You need to be sure of your calling…so that you are able to function unrestrictedly in the roles God has placed you in, the things God has given you to do. Calling is just as crucial in the process of being sent – as you are chosen by another of higher rank and go with the authority bestowed upon you by the one doing the choosing. God’s purpose in saving us is to conform us to the image of Christ – that we would praise Jesus forever. God’s purpose for us involves helping others love Jesus too. We are SENT by God, on assignment, on a journey of rescuing the perishing. We exist for His glory & He is glorified when more people come to know & praise Jesus Christ. Let’s see how God’s calling plays into that.

CALLING is whatever God wants His people to do. Disciple means student. Someone who accepts the instruction of their teacher, making His teaching the basis of their conduct. They totally submit to His authority. Totally surrendered. Captured by grace. An ongoing relational living experience. Called, summoned, appointed by God - they willingly accepted that appointment. They had switched their fundamental allegiance to Jesus; and where He sent them they would gladly go. From the earliest days, Christians confessed Christos Kurios – Jesus is Lord. In the 1st century they were required to say Kaiser Kurios – Caesar is Lord. Confessing Christ as Lord meant you believed Jesus was the supreme power. It put you at direct odds with the culture of the day.

Those Jesus called He gave His AUTHORITY The Greek word is exousia, which means the power to do anything. But not just the power, the right, permission, liberty to exercise it. It is the God-given power and right to act as His representatives. They were being sent to do the same things Jesus was doing. They were being given the ability to do what they could not do without Him. The One whose words were authority-filled bestowed on them the gift of His authority. Delegated it to them to show without a doubt that He is sovereign over all physical and spiritual realms, the effects of sin and the efforts of Satan to kill and destroy. This display of God’s power was unprecedented. He gave them a gift to authenticate their calling as God’s messengers.

And we see that it is not something done is done in COMMUNITY. God gathers those He sends. Being a witness of Christ to the world is a special and unique calling. And we see that Jesus does His mission through undeserving, unlikely, very different people working together for His glory to show His Excellency and power. The 12 Apostles were very ordinary men, no wealth, no academic background, no social position. Common folk.

Simon Peter and Andrew his brother were fishermen from Bethsaida. Peter is always first in the lists of apostles. He was a true leader. Not over them, they had only one master, Jesus. He was more like first among equals. Andrew was not as prominent but he was important. He brought people, including his brother Peter, to Jesus.

James son of Zebedee and John his brother. The 2nd set of prominent brothers, also fishermen. Jesus called them sons of thunder – due to their intense personalities. Once they wanted to destroy a Samaritan city that rejected Jesus.

Philip and Bartholomew. Philip means lover of horses. From Bethsaida as well. Bartholomew is Aramaic, meaning Son of Tolmai. Nathaniel, from Cana, of whom Jesus said, an Israelite indeed in whom there is no guile. No falsehood.

Thomas and Matthew the tax collector. Thomas is called the twin. Known for doubting but also for courage. Matthew humbly remembers his former life by identifying his former profession. He was so mindful of God’s grace to him.

James the son of Alphaeus and Thaddeus. James may have been Matthew’s bother. Thaddeus means beloved.

Simon the Cananean and Judas Isacriot. Cananean means zealot. Josephus described Zealots as the 4th party of the Jews (behind the Pharisees, Saducees and Essenes). God was their only ruler and lord, willing to die for freedom. Refused to call any man king. They would murder to rid their country of foreign rule. And Judas is always listed last. Iscariot means one from Keriah, a town in Judah. He was the treasurer and a thief. He betrayed Jesus and took his own life.

What we have here is a community, of very different individuals, brought together by Jesus. They might not have felt able, 2 Cor. 3:6 He would be their adequacy, their sufficiency. Apart from Him they could do nothing, but with Him they could do all things. 1 Cor. 1:26 Not many wise, not many mighty…a diverse group – fishermen, a tax collector, a zealot…a thief, some quiet, some impetuous. Brought together for the gospel. A community of people united around common faith in Jesus Christ can do absolutely impossible things.

There are important implications for us.
If you are not a Christian you need Jesus.
If you are a Christian…1. You have been chosen and called by God to salvation and service. All He choose are called to take the gospel to others. It is a non-negotiable expectation. It costs nothing to us to be saved, it costs everything to us to follow. You may not feel able. He is your adequacy, sufficiency. Salvation is a free gift from God we didn’t deserve; being called by God to serve Him is an undeserved gift - God uses us in spite of not because of us. He is going to use you to fulfill His purposes. You are a tool in God’s hands.
Make sure that your fundamental allegiance is to Jesus Christ. If at any time you notice that it is not, quickly confess it to Him and realign yourself with Him lest you drift away from Him. Acknowledge Christ’s lordship & you will put yourself at direct odds with the world around you.

2. What God calls you to do He equips, enables and empowers you to do. You have everything you need to do everything He wants – you have everything you need this moment – given to you by God – to do everything He wants you to do in this moment. He will give you exactly what you need next to fulfill His purposes. It is His work, He will supply all the needed resources and tools. You are a tool in the hands of God. You have the ability and permission to act as Christ’s representative – empowered and enabled to do what is humanly impossible. It is the Holy Spirit working in and through you. God’s work is dependent on Him, not us. We are called to trust Him and be faithful.

3. You are called to reach others within a community of believers. He will be glorified through His church. When you come to faith in Christ one of the first things you need to learn is you cannot do it alone – you live within a fellowship of believers and must always seek to honor that fellowship. Christian mission is a community effort made up of various gifts from God, as 1 Cor. 12, Rom. 12, & Eph. 4 show the variety of gifts God blesses the church with. You may not like the co-workers God has placed you with. One of them may end up being an imposter, like Judas. You are called to be faithful to God’s calling – He will be faithful to complete the work He started in you. God unites into one family people of completely different and sometimes opposite backgrounds and personalities united by the cross of Christ and His substituting Himself for them. People who hate each other can learn to love each other when they have been chosen and called by Jesus Christ. We are part of a unique and unlikely mix God puts together - for such a time as this – united by & for the gospel.

God is building a gospel-centered community of those He has chosen and called, that proclaims and displays the transforming power of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our calling in Christ is a gift – God by his Spirit God giving us power and ability we do not possess; in order to do what we could not do - in community with other believers –to the glory of God.

Soli Deo Gloria

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

How to know God's Will

How do you know God is calling you or has called you to something? Ask yourself these 3 questions:

1. Is it biblical? If God has called you to be a Christian, spouse, sibling, child, employee...for all of these there is clear scriptural instruction. There is absolutely no confusion as to what God wants from you in these realms. It's in the Bible. A major teaching of the reformation was the idea of vocation, that God calls you to specific roles in the home, church and community. What God calls you to do He enables and equips you to do.

2. Is it prohibited by God? If so, God is not calling you to do that. If you are engaged in any activity that God forbids, stop it immediately if you want to please God and live according to His will. On the other hand if it is expected by God and prohibited by man you must obey God rather than men.

3. Do you desire it? Is it something you want to do? Maybe you have been worshipping and praising God and doing what Ps. 37:4 says "Delight yourself in the Lord, He will give you the desires of your heart."

If you sincerely desire God's will you will seek first His rulership in your life, you will seek to be to be aligned with His Word.