Saturday, October 3, 2009

Perspective Matters

What you want you will try and get. Sometimes it’s not good for you. That’s why you need God and other godly people in your life to help you have a right perspective. That's the gist of Jesus' words in Matthew 6:22-23. Sandwiched between talk of collecting Treasures on Earth and Treasure in Heaven and the choice between 2 masters – Jesus says what we value most is what we want most. What we want most isn’t always best for us. That's why we need God’s wisdom. You can’t choose opposites – you must choose one. You can’t look at two things at the same time. Focus on God – not money and stuff.

Our perspective on life matters. It makes a difference in times of plenty and want, in daily living, in times of hardship and ease, all the time. You may say, hey, I have sick relatives, money is tight, my relationships are crashing, I don't enjoy my work, I have a multitude of issues to deal with. All the more reason to listen to Jesus’ words in Matt. 6 – trouble with happen either way – but would you rather deal with it alone or with Jesus? Do you think a worldly perspective is going to help you more or hinder you? Ask any believer and they will tell you: With Jesus in your life you have reason for hope not despair; reason to say as Job did "the Lord gives and the Lord takes away, blessed be the name of the Lord". Reason to hold this worldview: He may bring me into a land flowing with mild and honey or I may walk through the valley of the shadow of death – either way I will praise Him because either way He is with me. I resolve to live in the light of His truth and walk in the awareness of His presence. That is a perspective that makes a difference.

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