Saturday, November 7, 2009

Living with Sinful People

So far, in the best sermon ever by the best preacher ever, Jesus has described in ch. 5 a Christian’s character (the beatitudes), influence (salt and light), righteousness (comes from faith in Him, not works), in ch. 6 devotion and ambition and now in ch. 7 He puts the focus on relationships. The counter-culture that Jesus develops in His followers is not individualistic, but a community thing and relationships within the community and with others are of utmost importance to God. We have a relationship with God Himself, through faith in Christ; as well as to our brothers and sisters in Christ, members of God’s family; and to everyone in general.

Jesus words near the end of the sermon, give us another glimpse into the way God does things and the way He wants them done. He shows us that relationships don’t have to be as hard as we make them, that: The way to love others appropriately is to seek God continually. Or, stated another way, when we seek God continually we love others appropriately, and receive God’s blessings thankfully. This is the idea behind Matt. 7:7-11 and it is one that relates in some way to almost everything we do in life.

But one important fact must not be ignored: We are living with sinful people. Basically, people are sinful & it affects things! You must take that into consideration. We must deal with the “Depravity Quotient” on a daily basis. People have to deal with ours!

It is a relational truth that anyone with whom we must associate closely will need to be handled carefully, because people are fragile and temperamental and dangerous to deal with. They are depraved. Not as bad as they could be, but bad enough. We must continually engage in a process of depravity adjustment on an ongoing basis. Giving room to others, as we expect from them, for our depravity. Not explaining it away, or downplaying, & being understanding with one another as we follow Jesus. Understanding that the only goodness inus is the goodness of God in Christ.

Some of you feel like you are professional apologizers; with your family, associates, classmates, friends, relatives, brothers and sisters in Christ. They are tainted by sin too – so their response to you, which can become controlling, also needs to be tempered. Relationships are a two-way street. With God, no such issues. God never says I have heard that far too often lately and I am losing my patience with you. Why don’t you just leave, it is easier that way for me. People say that but God never does.

Wouldn’t life be easy if everyone would get their act together? We should pray: Help people see You through me and not me through me. It is so easy to get frustrated with people, and subsequently harsh with them. It is so easy to live always looking at other's sins and faults rather than our own. It is so easy to be self-focused rather than God-focused.

Isaiah said it rightly, Is. 6:5, "Woe is me, for I am a man of unclean lips and I live among a people of unclean lips. For my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts." It is a good thing to get a realistic glimpse of God because it puts things in life in perspective doesn't it?

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