Saturday, December 24, 2011

Magnifying the Lord Jesus

According to God it is good to magnify Him. See Ps. 34 and Luke 1:46-47 for prime examples. When you magnify something you either exaggerate it's size (like using a microscope) or you see it more like it really is (like using a telescope). The latter is my heart's desire with God. You cannot over exaggerate God's true identity. I want to see Jesus as He truly is.

Colossians 1, Hebrews 1 and a host of other places give us a God's eye view of Christ. But daily living with its temptations and my sinful choices equates to a downsizing of Jesus in my life. When do I magnify the Lord?

1. I magnify the Lord when I expose myself to His Word, receive it, internalize it, practice it, speak it and let it have it's way in my heart, mind, soul and relationships.

2. I magnify the Lord when I trust and obey Him, setting aside my self-will for His perfect will. When I say no to the inclination to accuse, curse and condemn and yes to His desire to forgive, bless and free. When I walk in wisdom not foolishness. When I resist the urge to jump to conclusions and lash out, or if I do, to quickly confess and repent of it.

3. I magnify the Lord when I rest, abide, dwell, and rejoice in Him. When I pray, sing, speak, live to Him. When I do all things in the name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, joyously giving thanks through Him to God the Father.

May Jesus Christ be praised. May the Lord be magnified.

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