Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Debunking Pastoral Myths

I golfed yesterday, for the first time in over four years. You read it right. Four years. I have my reasons. I don't like paying to play golf and when I do get invited there usually isn't a return invite the next time around. People like to play golf with those who have some skill at it. Yesterday I got to represent a ministry I am a part of at a tournament for a local Christian University and golf with three good friends. That was the best part, the good fellowship with three brothers in Christ.

More than a few times I have had someone come up to me at church and say, jokingly, something like this: "you pastors only work one day a week. You golf the other days." My best comeback is that I don't remember the last time I played and if I could it wouldn't be a good memory since I am so bad a golfer. So Today, I am glad to be able to debunk that pastoral myth and set the record straight.

Of course, I have gone fishing a few more times in the past four years than I have golfed. Now there's a sport I can get into. If I could, I'd do that as often as some people think I golf.

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